come home

Come home.

Breathe and leave the battle

the blackened sky, the scorched terrain.

This war of mind and heart.

Come home.

End the killing thoughts

the dying feelings and the pain.

Let the healing start.

Remember where the fight began

with separation from our mother

(or we can say from God

if you prefer or must).

Back when I created I

then I am, then I am not.

The first laying claim to grace,

the last playing to distrust.

Even before I was I

or you were thee or them,

back when me or you or they

had no words or way to say...

The truth of all my dear

together before the dawn

when none of us had met dust

nor ever known fear...

Until one day a story:

To infinite little pieces

all across the universe

God scattered Herself

She said to each piece

Find Your Way Home.

It was then we each took yoga

and put it on the shelf.

What the fuck?

some of us wondered.

What does yoga have to do with battle?

And there love offered us a clue.

Meaning to yoke or bind or come together

and sometimes even marry.

Transcending our duality,

we all return to True.

Though NO! and YES! some still shout

to support their victimhood and war

they fight with in and then with out

forgetting what it was for.



come home


long before any thought or feeling

of how to come together

in both mind and body

we remember

there is a balance borne between us

regardless of time, race or gender

breathe baby

breathe and come home to us

our home, our soul, our life

this good path of here and now

not your way my way

or the highway

the unio mystica, Love

the song and story of us

together is the only way

~ come home


Cumberland Bay, New Brunswick

Poem & Photo © Michael Highstead

Pathfinder Series

Private Talks with Michael to Help You Find Your Way

© 2023 Michael Highstead