
Context. noun

The parameters that constrain meaning.

From pain i asked myself bewildered

What will be my context?

How will i choose to have these things occur (to me?

How will i ever hold something that is boundless?

Besieged i did beseech:

What is my context?

How can i ever hold someone who is boundless?

Why couldn’t i continue holding her?"

Devastated i did search

What was my context?

Why did she abandon me?

How did I occur to her?

Wounded i did wonder

Who was i being for me,

that i couldn’t be Me for Her?

Who am i now without her?"

From wonder You answered clear: I Am Boundless:You

Being Boundless:You, how will You choose for Thee?

How can Thee hold everything safe and still within?


Breathe in…

I and Thee, Thee and Me are One

Breathe out..

Breathe in…

God and Me, Me and God are One

Breathe out…


Now in wonder having come together

Here and there duality transcended

Forever merged in lives and loves

where nothing is ever lost

and nothing ever ended

Consummate beyond memory and word

Who are We to walk our world?

~ context


Beaver Lake, Ontario, Canada

Poem © Michael Highstead

Image Source: iStock

Pathfinder Series

Private Talks with Michael to Help You Find Your Way

© 2023 Michael Highstead