if home

if home is wherever

it is most comfortable to be yourself

let every sky and ocean

let every breeze and motion

let every day and night

let every sound and sight

let all the fields and streams

let all the hopes and dreams

let all the ducks and geese and loons

let all the stars and suns and moons

let every young girl’s heart

let every old woman’s tears

let every young boy’s start

let every old man’s fears

let the saxifragiliscious!

let all the birds and fishes!

let the trees and moss and rocks!

let even sickle cells and chicken pox!

let too all the pain and sorrow

let yesterday and tomorrow

let what is here to stay

let whatever come what may

if home is wherever it is

most comfortable to be yourself

let now always be your home

~ if home


Bali, Indonesia

Poem & Photo © Michael Highstead

Pathfinder Series

Private Talks with Michael to Help You Find Your Way

© 2023 Michael Highstead