we are this day

we are this day a community

of happy old chinese sun salutators converging

of holy smoking middle-aged family men conversing

of every water coloured youth in wakefulness emerging

we are this time a timeless state

a hammock swinging lullably

a poet and a flutterby

a now and not to wonder why

this vibrant cellular awareness

this electric backbone slide

this visceral reside

we are the pole and flags and breeze

the pine needles and the trees

the sound of lapping seas

we are the mystery

the dance

the song

the cicada’s mating call

oh the wonder of it all

in words and ways and worlds

beyond imagination

~ we are this day


Beaver Lake, Ontario, Canada

Poem & Photo © Michael Highstead

Pathfinder Series

Private Talks with Michael to Help You Find Your Way

© 2023 Michael Highstead